I was recently commissioned by writer Greg Rucka to do a bookplate for his new Queen & Country novel Private Wars (a great book!). The bookplate is part of a limited offer that Greg has for his readers through his website. His only instruction to me was to keep the same general design that Steve Rolston had used when he did the bookplate for the first Q & C novel. Otherwise, I was given free reign. Greg wanted me to have fun with it and do whatever I liked. Even so, I still ran a few quick sketches by him before settling on the final. I had a lot of fun doing this as it was my first chance to draw Tara Chace in over three years. Plan on seeing a little more Tara from me in the coming months. I'm going to be doing a few upcoming covers for the Q & C comic for Oni Press. I'm pretty excited.

Quit showing me up and being so awesome.
Thanks for stopping by Steve! I have to say though...you're an idiot. ;) I love your Q&C bookplate that's why I put a link to it. It's probably my favorite piece of yours. I love the background, the body language, and the whole "floating" composition.
I also really like those to Sin Garden illos on your site.
Steve and Brian, you guys are my two favorite Q&C artists--I'd love to see either of you back to do another story arc.
Brian, I can't wait to get my bookplate! Personally, I wish you'd both been hired to do covers for the Q&C novels--they'd sure be a damn sight better than the photo covers done for either of the books.
Keep up the good work!
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