My apologies for my absence. It's been a topsy-turvy couple of weeks. I've done almost no sketching lately as everything has been geared toward work and it's all stuff I can't share with you all yet. But these images I can. This pencil sketch and inked image are from a pitch I'm putting together with my good friend Matt Kindt. It's called "The Transplants" and it's a sort of ensemble, time-travel, survivalist story...with robots and hallucinations. A little Twin Peaks with some Philip K. Dick thrown in. So yeah, it's a little weird. But it's that good kind of weird. Anyway, this image is the "rogues gallery" from the pitch. Hopefully, I'll have some more in the upcoming days that I can show you. Enjoy!

your inking is excellent Brian. any tips to working at smaller sizes? I've switched over to save a little time and tighten up my art and I'm liking the results so far.
any tips to working at smaller sizes?
Use smaller brushes? Kidding. I don't know man--I'm so fickle, I never seem to use the same process twice. The times I've worked at smaller sizes I've done so for two reasons. The obvious one was "less area to cover, less time to ink" and that's generally true. The other reason was that I was finding that when I worked bigger I would always be so intently focused on my little panel or figure I was working on that when I pulled back and looked at the page as a whole it looked wispy, light and airy-- no weight to it really, and I likes me the heavy lines. Working smaller helped me to put this in perspective. I've also found that just using bigger brushes at full size has the same effect (seems so onvious, doesn't it?). I use a #2 on most things and a #3 when I want to make sure I'm laying down those heavy lines.
All that said, you gotta do what works for you.
Thanks Brian, I like it so far, it's just a matter of getting used to it, but it is a good way to limit useless lines here and there.
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