First, here is one of two Tara Chace drawings I did at HeroesCon (if whoever I did the second Tara for happens to read this, I would love a scan of that image). It's always fun to revisit Tara, as she was essentially the first protagonist I ever drew in comics. Being my first gig I don't think I did her any justice. So it's always nice to feel like I'm given another shot.
After posting a bunch of con sketches over the past couple weeks I was contacted by someone who said they thought maybe I'd like to post one of their con sketches that I'd done...two years ago. I braced myself, expecting the worse. I usually can't stand to see anything I've done that's more than a few months old. But y'know what? It wasn't half bad. Here's an image of crotchety Crocker sitting at his desk:
I felt like this post needed one more drawing to feel complete. It's always been a hope of mine that I could do just one more Q & C story. Just about the most fun I've had doing a comic (outside of The Damned) was my three-issue Queen & Country: Declassified story featuring a young Paul Crocker. I've always liked the idea of returning to do one more Paul Crocker adventure. There are too many obstacles that stack up against that ever happening but it's still nice to daydream about. Here is a quick ink sketch of young Crocker that I did at 4 a.m. this morning. I don't think it turned out half bad.