Monday, June 02, 2008

Ninja Practice

I do all my sketching on regular bond paper nowadays and keep those drawings in 3-ring office binders. If I get enough sketches revolving around a particular story idea I collect them from my sketch binder and move them into their very own binder.
The binder these drawings come from is called "Ninja Island". That may or may not be a working title.


Unknown said...

Great idea! By bond, do you mean typing paper? What kind of pen do you use on these?

brian hurtt said...

Yeah, I'm just using standard typing paper. I think in this case I'm using a Pigma Micron pen, size 01 or 02. I get a nice clean line with little worry about bleed. It really works for this style. I plan on trying to use some round tipped nib pens. I think that's what a lot of the European artist's use and I'm really getting into some of their work.