I still have plenty of drawings from my recent show to share with you but I had to point out something that almost slipped past me. I hadn't been to the comics shop in a couple weeks so I was quite surprised and happy when I dropped in today. On the shelf was the new Fear Agent (#17 or Hatchet Job 1 of 5). Normally that would be enough to get excited about, but what really made my day was seeing my pin-up on the back cover. Now, this wasn't a surprise, I had done the pin-up two or three months ago--I just wasn't sure exactly when it'd see print. I was also really happy with the way the thing printed. I had done the color on the piece as well and had tried a couple new ways of approaching that (just trying to be a little more painterly in Photoshop) and to see it turn out more or less the way I had intended was quite a joy. I still got a ways to go to meet Tony Moore's level of coloring but it was tons of fun none-the-less. This drawing was so much fun to do--Fear Agent is such a change of pace from the kind of comics I'm used to doing. I'm not given much of a chance to delve into the fantastic (even The Damned can be a little too "grounded" for my tastes sometimes). Here's hoping there's more of this kind of work in my future.
Great job! Right you are, a little off your usual genre--but really neat. Firstly, before reading the captioning, I tried to enlarge by just clicking on the 'drawing.' Much to my surprise it turned out it was a JPEG and had to be opened up in my photo software, OFOTONOW (where I could enlarge as necessary). Yup, I think the 'fantasy' arena would work well for you--artistically and creatively speaking you've been there for quite some time. hrh
Blogspot has been forcing a lot of photos to be opened manually lately... not just on this blog. Hopefully it'll be cleared up soon.
This picture, however, is beautiful!
Nice one!
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