Been holding onto this one for a while. I always wait until the recipient of the actually receives the commission before posting it. As a rule I don't send ahead scans either--I believe that the first impression of the piece should be a tactile one. No matter how good the scan it never fairly represents the original. Unfortunately, this one took the long way to the owner--it was lost in the mail for about a month. Poor guy new the piece existed, new it was on the way, but had not actually seen it yet.
On an up note, when it finally showed up, it was on his birthday. Happy birthday, Sean!
Another great, great piece!
That's amazing!
Yee-owww, that is really (pardon my intensity!) a work of art! Great conceptualization and outstanding artistic rendering! You shouild'a got bucoo dolla's for that'n. Damn, that's good! hrh
Great piece. I think I see a Mike Zeck influence. Are you a fan of Mike's work?
I don't know. Spread legs, a pointy spear between them--I'd expect this from J. Bone, but not from you!
Thanks for the kind words guys!
Craig--it's hard to avoid the Zeck comparison when doing this subject matter. But, yes, I do like Mike Zeck's work. I was a big fan as a kid--loved the covers he did for Capt America, Punisher and especially G.I.Joe. And I, of course, loved "Kraven's Last Hunt".
I can always rely on you to pick up on the subtext. ;)
Very sweet piece sir.
Wow, I really enjoyed your work on Hardtime, fell over after experiencing the moodiness of the Damned, gawked in appreciation of your commissioned pieces thus far..... but this piece lays to rest any doubts that I had regarding you being able to pull off a mainstream,super tights character. Stunning... I may have to begin saving my pennies and check in with you regarding a
Spidey piece. :)
I'm gonna make that my desktop wallpaper until I leave for Mid-Ohio.
Wish you were an editor at Marvel or DC! I've been told by an editor that my style doesn't really work for the capes and cowl type books.
I didn't agree.
Now I'm not alone. Thanks!
Being given the prize real estate of someone's desktop is high praise indeed!
See you in Mid-Ohio!
You rule.
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