Here it comes, Wizard World Chicago. Just finished recovering from San Diego and I have another long weekend ahead of me. At least with this one I'll spend most of my time sitting on my rear rather than standing. I'm looking forward to Chicago because, unlike San Diego, I'll get to spend a lot of time drawing. At San Diego there was no time to do commissions so not only to I fall out of practice a bit but I feel a little bit at a loss---I have no idea what to do with myself at a show if I'm not working.
Now, to the point of this post. Although there are only three days left before I leave for the Windy City I wanted to give folks attending the show the opportunity to pre-order commissions. My rates for Chicago for a single character commission w/ ink wash (similar to above image) are $50. Each additional character is $30. Background (if any) and pose/layout are at my discretion. Any commissions for characters from my comic The Damned are a bargain at $40. Any orders placed prior to the show (pre-paid) are $10 less than the above listed prices. All interested parties can reach me at brihurtt@hotmail.com.
Space is limited.
Even if you're not interested in a drawing, please stop by the table in Artist's Alley (table #5308). Cullen and I look forward to seeing you all!
Click on the "convention drawings" label right below to see other examples of my convention commissions.
1 comment:
If I actually toted around a sketchbook for commissions at SDCC you would've been first on my list. Unfortunately SDCC was more of a 'job venture' than a pleasure cruise for me...
There are always future years to come...
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