Monday, September 11, 2006

Banner Ad and DAMNED reviews!

Above is the banner ad I put together to appear as an ad on Comic Geek Speak's site. I hope to see this popping up around the web. Please feel free to use this willy-nilly.

Speaking of Comic Geek Speak, my cohort and creative dynamo, Cullen Bunn, recently did a podcast interview with the CGS crew. Drop in and give it a listen, but be sure to link to it through Cullen's site first where you can read his brief self-critique.

Last, but not least, a couple of reviews have already started to pop up--I can only pray that the tenor of all future reviews is about the same. Take the time to check them out here and here!

Ooh! One more quick thing! Wasteland #2 came out a couple weeks back and the 6-page preview was in the back. Unfortunately, the local comic shops are sold out so I've yet to see it. I'm dying to see how the pages look in print. Cullen has already seen the book and has told me that the pages actually look better in print than they do on the 'puter. I hope that's the case--I've been nervous about how the grey tones would reproduce. Fingers crossed. Has anyone out there seen this? What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the preview pages looked great, not to mention the cover to the second issue. October is too far away...